Yay, it's Friday! It's been long day and I'm tired because I waited until the last minute to do payroll for work so I was up early to get it finished. I am such a procrastinator and every payday I vow to do better and every payday I'm up till midnight or up at 3:00am to get it finished. When will I learn?
When I left work this morning I drove up to Layton to
Rod Works. A friend told me about this store and I've been looking for a few more fall decorations for my house. I'm also looking for a cute fruit basket and then of course I like to spend money on anything cute. The store was incredible and if the baby wasn't with me I could have spent more time. So many wonderful decorating ideas and things.
The kids are playing with friends this afternoon. I'm helping a family in our with with part of dinner so I need to get that put together. I also need to get stuff cleaned up. I put out fall decorations and had to take down my regular decorations so my living room is a bit of a mess. I also have school papers everywhere. Even though I have folders, baskets and tubs for the kids's school stuff I still set it on the island and make piles until it's such a mess. Again, when will I learn?
The kids have a Primary Pennies By the Inch activity in the morning. In the afternoon their cousins are coming down from Logan to spend the evening. Actually my sister and her husband are taking their 10 year old daughter to the Toby Keith concert and I am watching the other two kids. My kids are excited to play with Danni and tend Rocky who is 7 months old (I'm sure A won't think it's fun and she'll be plenty jealous).
I am hoping to clean up my house and catch up on laundry and spend time with my family.