I can't believe how fast the summer is flying by. School starts in 3 weeks and I'm not ready for the kids to go back. I'm not ready for early bed times, early rising, homework, projects and structure. I've enjoyed the summer with the kids and love having them home, even if it gets crazy at times.
Princess Izzybee and I started school shopping this past week. I took her with me to pick out some new clothes and school supplies. She loves shopping and had fun. I still have more shopping and found some good sales this past week online at Children's Place but I'm happy I've started. ZMan could care less about the clothes he has as long as he gets to pick out his new backpack.
This past week the kids finished their classes through Centerville City. For the most part they really enjoyed them, ZMan especially loved golf and archery and Princess Izzybee really loved her cooking class. Last night we even made the "mini pizzas" that her class made and the kids loved them. I'm not if I will sign them up for as much next year because sometimes it was challenging to squeeze some family and cousin stuff in due to classes.
We have our ultrasound on the 11th and I'm anxious to know if we are having a boy or girl. ZMan wants a boy and Princess Izzybee is hoping for a girl. I think we've got a girl name picked but we haven't even discussed boy names. If it's a girl we are thinking of Ruby (after my mom) so the kids think if it's a boy we should name him Max after the silly cartoon on Nick Jr. Max and Ruby. Anyway we will update you when we know if it's a boy or girl.
This past week Randy's aunt in Idaho passed away. The funeral is tomorrow in Pocatello so we are leaving early in the morning to drive up. I've never met this aunt although I met a few of her kids at our wedding. Even thought funerals are sad it's always nice to see family members and catch up so I'm looking forward to meeting more of Randy's extended family and hearing family stories.
We still have a few camping trips we are trying to squeeze in before school starts so we'll see how we do. Randy, Allen and our wonderful EQ president finished up with that awful Cottonwood Tree from next door yesterday. Now we just need people to haul off wood. I'm so glad it's finished but I think Randy it happier, no more "cotton snow" in our pool and backyard.