Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday Stuff

Last weekend Princess Izzybee spent with her cousins Sam and Danni. Monday they came to stay with us for a few days and then Friday Princess Izzybee went back to Logan with them. They will bring her home tomorrow when they come down for her birthday party. I'm sure Princess Izzybee is loving having the girls to play with and spend time with. I think this will be their last long get together since school starts in a week.

Tomorrow Princess Izzybee turns 7. I can't believe my sweet girl is 7, she growing up so fast. She is having family and friends come over for swimming. After her party we are heading up camping somewhere so I have a ton to do in the next 24 hours to get ready. I'm baking cupcakes now for her party.

At the end of last week we were trying to figure out how we could go camping, go to Yellowstone, go to Lagoon, go to Lava Hot Springs all before school started. Oh yay, we have jobs, doctor's appointments and a few family functions plus school starts in a week. Finally we settled on a camping trip for a few days with just us and we are looking forward to it. We have so many things we want to do, just not enough time to do it all.

I'm not ready for school to start but we have to start getting the kids prepared for bedtimes, get up times and homework. Ugg!

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