Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Day of School

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Today was the last day of school for the kids. They are so excited to not have homework, projects and a set bedtime. I am pretty happy to not have these things as well so, Yay for summer!
Princess Izzybee started her day at a friend's house with a "Last Day of School Breakfast" (fun idea). Z Man asked me to come to his class with his snow cone machine so we could make snow cones for his class which was fun. After school the kids and I planned a swimming party for their friends to come and splash around and have fun. We were afraid the rain and lightening would make the party end early but even with the sprinkles we kept swimming. The kids were already wet so they hardly noticed.
Tonight Z Man is going to the Bee's game with some friends and he is so excited. There are fireworks after the game. I am so tired so my wonderful hubby is stopping for takeout and we will watch movies and laze around the house for the evening. Yay for me.

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