Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Crazy Life

I can't believe that today my baby is 3. Some days it seems like time goes by so quickly and other days it just drags. The Doodle doesn't get the whole birthday thing yet but I know she'll be excited to receive some gifts today. She has been quite a challenge with her strong personality and such a blessing to our family. I'm a little anxious and nervous to see what type of big sister helper she will be with the baby.

Tonight we are celebrating ZMan's 10th birthday. His birthday is next week but we are having a sleep over birthday party tonight with his friends. He's pretty excited, I'm not as excited about this sleep over.

A week from today we are taking the family to Southern California for a family vacation and we are all so excited. We will do Disneyland, Sea World and I'm not sure what other sights we will see. I'm excited to see the Doodle get excited at Disneyland. Last time we went she had just turned 1 so she didn't get into any of the fun stuff but this time she will love it. Randy's sister and her two boys along with Randy's mom will join us so we will have a full group. I'm sure the kids will have a fun time with their cousins. There is so much to do to get ready for a family trip so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, and I can't wait until we are ready and on our way.

Randy finished the front side yard with grass two nights ago. It looks good. It's exciting to have a yard again. He's working so hard on our yard in all his free time. I think tomorrow he will tackeling the rock area in the front yard.

The baby's due date is quickly approaching and I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore but our home is not quite ready for the baby. There's still so much to do and things to buy. I will concentrate on this stuff after or trip.

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