It's been awhile since I've posted. I've just gotten busy with summer activities. It feels like the summer will be over before we know it and school will be starting.
After the weekend of the 4th, Mom and Tiff's kids stayed for two weeks so the her girls could take swimming lessons in our pool. Randy was able to find a swim instructor to come to our pool to teach them and they both had fun. Danni practice everyday after her lessons so she moved through to level 4 by the end of the lessons. Sammi didn't want to practice as much so I'm not sure what level she ended up on. I loved having Mom and the girls visit. The house was crazy and chaotic but the kids had fun and I enjoyed having them all here.
We bought family Lagoon passes and Randy and the girls and I have gone a few times. ZMan goes a lot with his friends. It's been a few weeks since I've taken the girls but I'm waiting for it to cool off a little.
The past week we packed up the trailer and headed to the mountains with our family and Holly's younger two boys. The kids all had fun canoeing in the lake and fishing. The misquotes were crazy but other than that we had a nice get away.
In a week we are planning to go to Yellowstone which we haven't done in a few years. I feel like I have a lot to do to get us ready. Mom and Tiff's girls are coming with us. It'll be fun and crazy at the same time.