Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally Friday

I'm so glad it's the weekend, we've had such a busy week. Monday, Mom came up from St Geroge for a visit. She drove up to Logan for a few days to visit Tiff and Allen and now she is back with us. I took today off work so we could hang out, we went shopping and out to lunch. It was early out for school so we couldn't stay out as long as I would have liked.

Tomorrow we are going to the Japanese Festival downtown. If we have time we may go to This Is The Place Heritage Park. Mom said she hadn't been there and I thought the kids would have fun. R also said his mom is coming up Sunday and we having a BBQ with his family. I'm not sure of the time and I have to teach at church so we have to go, maybe after.

School has kept us busy. It seems like the afternoon is gone by the time we finish homework and this kids don't have very much time to play. S is really enjoying homework, math and reading. I have to bug and bug Z to get his stuff done.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I'm glad to hear that you have been able to spend time with your mom this past week...and enjoy it. Some of us aren't that lucky. You have such a cute family.