Friday, July 24, 2009

Crazy Few Weeks

I had a bit of a busy week before we left on our trip to Colorado early in the month but course it's always crazy when I'm getting our family ready for a week long camping trip. We had so much fun with our family in Colorado and we brought back my 9 year old niece Mariah to stay with us for a week and a half. Of course Randy had to be the fun and cool uncle so he made the next week and a half like a vacation for the kids while Mariah was visiting. Luckily Tiff's girls were able to come down and hang out with the cousins and then Tiff let them all go home with her for awhile before they all came back. Randy met my sister Katie in Vernal on Wednesday so Mariah could go home. She said she had lots of fun but I know she was so happy to see her mom again.

While all the kids were visiting we went to Lagoon. It was such a hot, hot day but the kids still loved it. We went to Lagoon A Beach for a few hours and then rode rides. By 5:30pm I was not feeling well and had to bail out on Randy and the kids and go home with the Doodle. Randy and the kids stayed until the park closed and they were so tired when they got home. Of course it has been Lagoon Bounce Back days so we all went back this past Tuesday. We took a few extra cousins again (which means we had 8 kids total) and again it was a hot day but the kids had a blast. We didn't do the water park just the rides and most of the rides the kids rode multiple times. They got so wet and had so much fun. I finally bailed out at 8:00pm and again Randy and the kids stayed until closing. Princess Izzybee walked into our house at 10:30pm crying and wet saying she was so tired. She was in bed and asleep within 10 minutes. That was a long 11 hour day for the kids at Lagoon but I don't think they complained while they were there.

ZMan went home with Grandma C and two of his cousins on Wednesday. Grandma C will bring the boys home from St. George on Monday. Since ZMan went away with his sisters I asked Tiff if her girls could hang out for a few more days to make it easier for Princess Izzybee. The girls have spent lots of time swimming and yesterday we had a busy and fun day with Bountiful 24th stuff. Tiff is coming down this morning to take the girls home to Logan and Princess Izzybee will go with them for another day or two.

Yesterday afternoon the girls and I walked in the Bountiful Parade with our ward and the stake float. I have to admit I was dreading it because it was so hot and I wasn't sure how the kids would hold up. It wasn't bad though and even a little fun. A lot of the parade route we seemed to have some shade. We had lots of water and I brought water bottles so the kids had fun squirting each other. The 22 blocks didn't seem as long as I thought they would be and the girls had a lot of fun waving at the parade onlookers. They really loved the waving at people. We were an earlier entry in the parade so when we were done we found Randy and watched the remainder of the parade. The kids got lots of candy. After the parade we got take out Chinese food and went to the fireworks. We squeezed into a spot and ate our food in the almost dark and watch the cool fireworks. They were fun and the girls were happy. It was so late when we got home and climbed in bed exhausted. They are still all in bed sleeping.

Today is a holiday and we don't have anything planned. Randy is working and Tiff is coming to get the kids. Patty said they may come down but otherwise I think it will be a quieter day.

Next week I am looking forward to a sense of normalcy in our house but I'm glad the kids have been able to spend time with family and cousins and make fun memories. I'm grateful Randy plans and encourages them to get together with cousins.

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