Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday Mutterings

Last week I called Z's former speech pathologist to ask a few questions about A. A will be 18 months next week and only has "Mom" and "Dad" in her vocabulary and she doesn't even use them regularly. R and I have started getting worried so I spoke with Barbara who worked with Z for 4 years. Barbara did say that by 18 months A should know about 5 words so she suggested we take away the binkie and if in a month A wasn't speaking more than to call her back. A is addicted to her binkie, she loves it and most of the time has 2, one in her mouth and one in her hand. Of course with the binkie in her mouth she doesn't talk so we are hoping that by removing the binkie she will start talking more. I thought Saturday would be the day but I just couldn't do it. It R to do it while A napped during SM in church so she hasn't had her binkie since about 3:30pm yesterday. She has cried for it a few times but I'm surprised how well she has done without it. I was dreading last night and thought for sure it would be a nightmare without the binkie and tried to talk R into letting her have one while sleeping but he thought cold turkey was best. Anyway A cried for about 5 minutes last night and then went to sleep, she was restless a few times in the middle of the night looking for it, but it wasn't to bad and besides first thing this morning she hasn't pointed for it at all. I think it's been harder for me than for her.

We only have gymnastics tonight (unlike tomorrow where we have soccer, baseball and Pack Meeting). I'm hoping to enjoy the quiet evening and catch up with work and home.


Amanda said...

I'm so scared for the time to come where we have to take the paci away from Ella. With Jayden he loved his, but he used the soothie's from the hospital. Back then they didn't sell them in stores. We went on a trip and I forgot it - he got over it and we never gave it back to him when we got home - he was 5 months. Ella is now 8 1/2 months and has meltdowns over the thing. UGH! Just wanted to wish you some luck!!

Amanda said...

I tagged for you a meme on my page!!