Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sunny Saturday

What a beautiful Saturday! First thing this morning Z had soccer practice so I took him and the girls and I played on the playground even though it was a little chilly. I've been trying to clean up the house and catch up on laundry. I did run to Costco for a few things. R helped our neighbor move and just took Z to baseball practice. He may need to go to work for a few hours this evening but I'm not sure. I know he's hoping to continue digging the tramp pit for the kids new tramp.

Yesterday they had a book fair at the school so I took the kids over and we bought some new books. S bought Fancy Nancy: Bonjour Butterfly and Z picked out Fly High, Fly Guy. S and I have loved the Fancy Nancy books and I've heard Z talk about Fly Guy so I'm looking forward to him reading me the book. I also let them pick out a few fun books. After the book fair the school showed the movie Cars and we all piled in the cafeteria with blankets and pillows to watch the movie. I have to say it was better then the movie theater when we didn't need to be quiet since there was so many kids. I spent much of the movie chasing my little one around but the older two kids had a great time. Z watched the movie sitting next to friends. S was a social butterfly moving all over by girlfriends and visiting and sharing snacks.

I need to work on my YW lesson for tomorrow, I always wait for the last minute. I think this lesson is about the 12 tribes so I've been putting it off.

We planned to go on a couples 4-wheeling trip next weekend. I was finally able to make arrangements for the kids with my mom and a little bit of time with Grandma C but now we are not sure we will make it. We are really short staffed at work and it's a busy weekend. I'm going to plan that we are going as far as work and home go so I can get us ready throughout the week but I'm not sure if we will actually go. R has really been looking forward to it so I feel bad if we will be unable to go.

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