Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunny Sunday

Our family went to church this morning and we were only a few minutes late. It's always scary with the time change when we have 9:00am church. A few weeks ago R and I joined the Marriage and Family Relations class and today's lesson was on communicating, very helpful for me.
My visiting teachers came over after church and delivered a message I needed to hear on making our homes a safe place from the world. After a fun visit Sis. Plazier even took Z's suit pants home to let them down a little so they won't be to short for Z anymore. What a wonderful act of service for me since I can't sew (except buttons, and yes I will one day sew your button dear, I promise).
This afternoon the sun was so bright that the kids begged Daddy to get their bikes down and they played outside for awhile. A even begged me to take her outside and she had so much fun scooting around. The wind eventually got chilly so we came inside but an hour it was fun to watch them ride bikes and enjoy the warmth.
Now we need to have family night and work on weekend homework. It's a busy week so I'm already anxious for next weekend.

1 comment:

Tiff said...

My kids played outside yesterday, too, it was such a beautiful day!! This morning, however, we woke up to 3 inches of snow and it is still snowing!!!!! Cute pictures of the kids, I have such precious nieces and nephew!