Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Today it's Tuesday

Yesterday morning our phone lines went down so we have no home phone or Internet. We forwarded our home phone to the cell phones but it's really hard to not have the Internet. I don't know how I would survive without it. Last night I had more time to get things done when since I wasn't spending so much time on my computer. I even baked cookies which I haven't done for awhile.

The kids did a good job singing in church Sunday. I was more nervous than they were. They sounded so good. It was fun to Z sing so seriously and loud, he worked so hard at learning all the words. S was more nervous than her brother so she didn't sing as loudly as she did when she was practicing but she did a great job.

Sunday Z and I read The Clue of the Left-Handed Envelope:(Third-Grade Detectives) and he really enjoyed the book. I think he liked it so much because the kids were his age and in the book their teacher gave them several secret codes to work out and he really liked this. At the end of the book there was another secret code to decipher. He asked me to check out more of this series from the library which I did yesterday. I love it when Z likes a book this much because I feel like we are always struggling with his reading so when he wants to read I'm happy.

I don't know how many of you know this but when R was a boy they had a pet raccoon. My understanding is that they read the book Rascal and then R's dad decided they needed a pet raccoon just like Rascal in the book. When R told this to Z the other day Z became excited by this so R ordered the book for them to read together. Of course Z loves reading it along with his dad because he loves anything he gets to do with his dad.

The kids have been loving the warmer weather and have outside riding their bikes everyday. They can't wait until we open the pool.

1 comment:

Lena's Blog said...

A Raccoon! I will have to get that book too!