Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Stuff

I have been fighting an awful cold/sinus infection for over a week now. Yesterday I even went to the doctor because I was sure something else was going on but it's only a sinus infection and terrible sore throat. I can't wait for this cold to be gone, I really take advantage of my health.

Mid-week Randy was invited to go on a 4-wheeling ride this weekend. It's actually a protest ride through the Paria Canyon. The BLM intends to enforce the closure of the Paria River road within a few days. The road is being closed due to environmental organizations filing a petition to close the road because it is closed in the monument plan. Last year we were going to do this 50 mile ride on the 4-wheelers with friends (25 miles in and 25 miles out) but it was the same weekend as the Father and Son outing so Randy took the Z Man camping instead. When the friends sent us an email this week about the road closure I told Randy he should go because I knew he would have fun. He called Allen to invite him knowing that Allen would love it. Since my sister is working all weekend I have their three kids. The kids are all having a fun time. My only struggle so far has been bed and nap time for the Rock and Doodle.

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