Monday, May 18, 2009


I have posted most lately. The main reason is because I have had the worst cold for over two weeks so I just didn't have the energy. After two weeks I called my doctor in tears and asked for antibiotics for my sinus infection and a day after starting the medicine I could feel a difference. I was very stubborn and waited to long for the prescription so of course I was miserable for too long. I'm finally feeling better and I have more energy. Throughout my sickies the kids got it and I think I gave it to my nieces and nephew whom I tended.

Mom visited this past weekend. It was good to see her and she split her time between us and Logan. Saturday we headed up to Logan to watch Tiffi's girls in their final dance performance. It was fun and they did a fabulous job. The Doodle had fun dance in the isle during the recital.

Randy has had the last two weekends off. The first weekend he went to Southern Utah and went 4-wheeling with friends. Last weekend he went jeeping in Moab with friends again. He took the 4-wheeler along and loved the adventures they had.

This weekend we are planning a camping trip to the Sand Dunes with friends for the holiday weekend. The kids are excited to go 4-wheeling. I'm not sure how much I will like camping in the sand but I am happy to get away from everything for a break. Of course there is a lot to do this week to get ready for our trip.

School is coming to an end (about 3 weeks left) and the kids can't wait till it's over. I'll be happy to be finished with homework and projects as well. Z Man has several projects/reports that he needs to finish and there are some field trips and fun things planned as well.

I forgot to post that for Mother's Day I got a Ladybug steam/vapor cleaner. I have wanted a steam cleaner for so long so I am very excited about my gift. I've played with it a little but I'm looking forward to cleaning a bunch of things.

1 comment:

Kerrilyn said...

Oh, I am interested to know if you like the steamer. Let us know if it works good and what all you have cleaned with it.