Tuesday, May 13, 2008

18 Month Checkup

A had her 18 month checkup today. She is healthy and hates doctor visits. The poor doctor, A just screamed the entire time she was examining her.

Weight: 23 lb 6 oz (35%)
Length: 47.9cm (83%)

The doctor was concerned because A has lost weight over the last 4 months instead of gained. We had some blood taken today so they will check it out to make sure her iron is okay and that everything else is fine. Also I have been concerned about A's lack of talking so the doctor suggested a speech evaluation. I'm going to call the insurance to see if they will cover the evaluation because they didn't cover any of the speec stuff with Z.

Edited to add:
The nurse called and A's blood work came back normal. She just asked that I bring A by in about a month for a weight check.

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