Friday, May 23, 2008


It's been a crazy week with family activities every night. We've had two baseball games, a spring gymnastics show and pack meeting so my kids have gone to bed late every night this week. Also R opened the pool last weekend so the kids have swimmed almost every evening. Right now S is swimming with two friends and it's chilly out there, about to rain.

I'm not sure what we are doing for the Memorial Weekend. Work is slower until Monday night but we are short staffed so we've debated back and forth about going out of town. We were invited to the dunes with some neighbors to go 4-wheeling and my sister in Colorado invited us to a surprise birthday party for her husband. It looks like we ruled out Colorado, but we may still go to the dunes, we just haven't decided for sure and it's Friday afternoon so we better decide soon.

My house is a disaster and I have a mile long list for work, there is always so much to do. I have found a part time babysitter for the two girls. She will tend the girls two days a week for 4-6 hours. One of her daughters is in S's school class so she picks the girls up from school and keeps S and A until I get home. It's been nice to have a few hours at work without A, I get so much more done. The first day last week I cried a little and felt guilty that I didn't have her with me but I also think she enjoys playing with the boys at the sitter's house more than running around the office.

I'm hoping if we don't go out of town this weekend to catch up around my house and also enjoy some quite reading time. The National Treasure movie came out of DVD this week and I purchased it and hope to watch it , I have been dying to see it, I really enjoyed the 1st National Treasure movie.

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