Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Will Do's

Lots to do today so I'm hoping I can stay on track and get it all done.

I called our insurance yesterday about covering a speech evaluation for A but they will only cover it if there was a medical reason for it (like an accident or major illness). R remembered this from Z many years ago so paid out of pocket for the evaluation and it was about $500.00. I did call Early Intervention to see what they can do and they are sending me a packet to complete and then they will contact me.

One of S's little friends has a mom who is starting to do part time daycare in her home and we have talked a little and she knows that S has gone to daycare for a few hours one day a week. Today we are going to try leaving A with her for a few hours and if it works out for her and A then I will use her one or two days a week for a few hours. A has never had a daycare so I'm not sure how she will like it and she is so attached to me that I know she'll freak out a little. I'm hoping that with S there and the other mom's kids that she will have fun. For S this will be just like a play date so she will be fine.

Mom flys in tonight so I'll pick her up at the airport and take her Z's baseball game. He is excited for Grandma to see him play. I'm excited to visit with my mom and sisters this weekend and spend time with everyone. I still need to finish cleaning out the spare room and make the bed before we got to S's kindergarten testing this morning.

1 comment:

Dianna said...

Good luck with everything! I hope I can get a lot done today, too.