Friday, May 9, 2008

Finally Friday

I'm so glad it's Friday! I just finished my morning exercising and I am catching up on some work projects before the kids wake up. I'm actually not going into work today because Z has a school Mother's Day Program that I'm going to. I even asked my visting teacher to keep A for an hour so I could enjoy the program.

We don't have any big plans for the weekend. Z has baseball practice and I need to prepare my YW's lesson for Sunday. I have goals of tackeling my house and cleaning and organizing the basement. Next weekend my sister is blessing her little one so family is coming in throughout the week starting with my mom on Wednesday so I need my house to be in order. I don't know how many family members will need or want to stay here so I just need the rooms ready for those who need a place to crash and right now my basement is in chaos.

A hasn't had her binkie now for almost 2 weeks and I haven't noticed that she's talking more. Right now she is looking for her sister and walking through the house calling her by saying, "AH". I'm trying not to worry about her not talking I just wish I new for sure what to do (other than wait).

The work on the tramp is coming along. R works on it every spare minute. He has the hole halfway lined with block. I'm sure he's hoping to finish it this week. I also hope he can get the pool open this week.

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