Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sunny Saturday

Yesterday was the last day of school for the kids. They were so excited and I am ready for a break from school. Lately it has been harder to wake them up for school each morning due to the fact that they go to bed to late. After school I invited a friend and her kids to come swimming and then Grandma C and 2 our the cousins came over so they all swimmed through the evening. The kids had a fun day.

S actually feel asleep about 7:30pm even though the others were still swimming. She had been complaining of a tummy ache. About 8:00pm she screamed for me and had thrown up all over. The poor thing she was so sick until about midnight she kept throwing up and she felt awful. I think it must have been food poisoning or something because when she woke up this morning she felt weak but wasn't throwing up anymore. By early afternoon she was outside playing with her cousins and seemed her old self.

Grandma C and Holly's younger 2 boys are staying at the house through the weekend so Z is in heaven to play with his boy cousins. Even though the boys live in Ogden we just don't see them very often and I should set up more activities for all the kids. Tiffany called mid-morning and asked what we were doing since they were headed down for some car shopping. I told them to cover over for dinner and swimming so they came over mid-afternoon. The kids were in the pool all afternoon and evening. They all had so much fun swimming with cousins and squirting each other with the super soaker we bought this past week. My BIL and his daughter that we don't see very ofter also stopped by to visit. It was a great day for visiting and eating, it was just a nice relaxing Saturday.

I'm so happy summer is here.

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