Saturday, October 11, 2008

Snowy Saturday

This morning I woke up with big plans to get a ton of stuff done. R got up around 5:30am to go to work so I thought although it would be easier if he were home so he could help me with the kids I can do it. I was able to get some work stuff acomplished until A woke up and then I started around the house with laundry and cleaning. We've had a busy week so my house has suffered (what's new?) and I have so much laundry to do. I also started working on my YW lesson and S's Primary talk. Finally I draggged the kids out in the rain for a much needed haircut for Z. After his haircut we went to the library. I promised S her own library card next time we went so we did that and checked out lots of children books, luckily we found a bunch of fall and Halloween books to read this next week.

We had talked about doing something fun with family in the evening so I had also been trying to find a fun indoor family activity. When R got home from work around 2:00pm he suggested we call Tiff and Allen and take Allen out for his birthday dinner. They were already enjoying a birthday lunch so we invited ourselves up to Logan to join them for some bowling. My kids had been begging to go bowling, they love it so going bowling with their cousins was great fun for them. After bowling we grabbed dinner at Cafe' Rio and went to their home so the kids could run around and play. We finally made it home about 11:10pm and now the kids are in bed and I'm supposed to be finishing up my YW lesson.

It is snowing outside. It seems like an early snowstorm this year.

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