Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Stuff

I shouldn't be on my blog. I am in the middle of preparing my YW lesson and thought I would take a break. The other advisor has a sick child so I was called last night to see if I could take over the lesson. So I am trying to prepare while I make breakfast and help the kids with a few projects. I will be happy after church to sit and relax and maybe work on some laundry.

I can't believe Z turns 9 tomorrow. Although all the grandmas at church tell me to enjoy my kids now while they are young because they grow up so fast in the mist of little kids I keep thinking these grandmas don't know what they are talking about, I want them to grow up! But with my oldest having a birthday tomorrow I realize the grandmas are right and they do grow up faster than I realize. His birthday party will be Saturday. I'm having a difficult time finding a gift that he has requested so I'm hoping while he is in school tomorrow I can continue my search.

This week is parent teacher conferences at school so everyday is early out at 1:25pm. The kids will love this and maybe one or two of the days we can do something fun. I meet with my kids teachers Wednesday afternoon.

My dad had knee replacement surgery Wednesday afternoon. I have visited him everday at the hospital. Yesterday morning we took the kids up to say goodbye to Grandpa since he was being released to go home. After our hospital visit we went to lunch at the top of the Joesph Smith Memorial Building and then watched the Joseph Smith movie. A was a stinker and didn't take a nap in the movie like I had hoped so I missed the last 30 minutes of the movie which I was bummed about. Not the end of the world, I will buy it on DVD when it is released. We then went home to tackle some house projects and R was finallly able to winterize the trailer and I scrubbed the floors.

Back to working on my lesson!

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