Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday Things

Yesterday S woke up with a bit of a barky cough. As the day progressed I could tell I was starting to get something and also A started coughing. It looks like our family is getting a yucky cold. S didn't go to school today so I am trying to get my work done while the girls watch cartoons so we can all take a nap in a little while. At least we won't be sick for Thanksgiving next week (I hope).

Dad is still up at the VA Hospital. He has some tests scheduled today and I think he is hoping to go today or tomorrow depending what he finds out from the tests. I haven't been able to go see him since Saturday and I feel awful. It's just really difficult when I can't take any kids. The floor he is on does not allow kids. I was hoping to visit today while the older kids were is school and A was at a sitter but the sickies have prevented that. Maybe if R can come home early today, but I have 2 church meetings tonight so I don't know.

Even though I don't feel great I need to tackle my house. There are still a bunch of toys all over the living room from Z's birthday party. We need to find a place for everything, I just didn't feel up to it last night. So my small goal for today is to clean off the kitchen counter and get the living room picked up.

Next week we are actually going out of town for Thanksgiving. We never go out of town for Thanksgiving or Christmas, we are just to busy at work. I also like being home for the holidays and doing my cooking and enjoying my house. We are going to St. George to see our moms. Wednesday afternnon when work starts to slow down we will leave and then Saturday morning we will come home before the big Thanksgiving return starts for Saturday night and all day Sunday. The kids won't be around cousins or other kids but they'll have fun seeing both grandmas.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I hope everyone feels better soon, and that they figure out what is wrong with your dad.