Saturday, March 15, 2008

Saturday Stuff

Patty came over yesterday afternoon and we visited for a bit and then loaded the kids up and went to IKEA. We had talked about going since I had never been there and was interested. I've heard Patty and Brian rave about IKEA and I know a lot of other peopel who really like this store. The play area was full at first so we had dinner until we could drop the kids off then we started shopping. I have to admitt I felt a bit overwhelmed by the store. It was so huge and there were so many things. Every display had price tags hanging from every item and it was difficult for me to just enjoy the display. Patty was looking for a few specific things and I bought a few kitchen things. I was trying to decide of R would like this store or not. He's not much of a shopper but there are good deals there. One day I will have to take him.

This past Thursday was Z's last day with his speech pathologist. He has been seeing her for 4 years so it was a sad visit when it was over. Z started with speech therapy through the county just after he turned 2 and we started him in private therapy when he was about 3 with a great lady who moved and then we've been with Barbara ever since. Lately in therapy we have been working on grammer, not speech. He had grammer problems due to his speech and Barbara feels that he is finally doing good enough that he doens't need her anymore. Many of the grammer things he is working on in school and I believe that as we continue reading he will continue to do better with his grammer plus just in everyday speaking. Barbara has been so good to him and made speech fun so I know he will miss her.

I've got to start getting ready for the day so we can head down home to see my sisters for the weekend.

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