Saturday, March 1, 2008

Saturday Stuff

We drove up to Logan yesterday after school to visit Tiffany and finally see Rocky. He is so stinkin cute. Rocky is so chubby and he was really red. I can't believe how fast our babies grow, 16 months ago A was that tiny. S has been bragging all day today that she got to hold Rocky 3 times.

Z had a baseball camp today that was put on by the Bountiful Baseball team. He went with his friend and they had a good time. Luckily they missed our rain and snow storm. After the camp he came home and sold Scout-a-rama tickets to people in our ward. He sold the tickets in the rain and was so gung ho to sell.

S had a princess birthday party that she attended. The invitation requested she dress as her favorite princess and come with her hair down and it would be styled at the party. When I picked her up she looked gorgoues! Her hair was done in this beautiful upsweep. She came home and whirled and twirled around the house and wouldn't change until bed time.

Tonight Dad and Denise came over for dinner. We had a nice visit and yummy soup. I tried a WW dessert that was okay but not great (the texture was different). I'm glad we were able to spend some time with them.

Now I need to get off the computer and get to bed so I can have a productive day tomorrow. The USA network has had a NCIS marathon today so I've had my favorite show on all day.


Patty said...

He is so cute! Sarah looks so grown up and beautiful. It is amazing that kids grow up so fast. My baby is almost 3

Amanda said...

Awww congrats Auntie!! Rocky is a beautiful baby boy. My husband's brother's name is Rocky.