Friday, February 6, 2009

Parent Teacher Conferences

This week was early out each day due to Parent Teacher Conferences. I scheduled ours Monday night so we could be done with it and it's also a night I didn't have other stuff scheduled so it worked out.

Z really likes his teacher although if you ask him if he likes school he will tell you "no". His teacher does a lot of fun activities with the students and he has really enjoyed her class. She complemented Z on his writting, he loves to write stories and share them and she also said he was well behaved in class. Z needs to keep working on spelling, he is really struggeling with spelling, no matter how much he studies.

S has shown so much improvement. Her teacher had lots of good things to say about her improvment. She is struggeling with math so I will continue with the flash cards. We also need to work on comprehension, but I have seen her improve in reading so I have been happy. S is a good speller and has been better at staying on task in class. I no longer feel like she could "fail" first grade.

I was happy to go to Parent Teacher Conferences. I really appreciate what the teachers do and how they work to teach my children.

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