Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb. 11th

I was able to do my treadmill early this morning. So far so good with my food today. I am at work and didn't plan on being here so long today so I only brought a WW yogurt and not any lunch. I'm just hoping I can make it until my conference call is finished so I can go home and eat something other than junk. I need to bring a few WW freezer meals to keep at the office so I won't be tempted to cheat.One of my coworkers just started back on WW. She lost 90 pounds last year and was 19 pounds from her goal weight when she quit. She encouraged me saying the first few weeks were hard but after that it will get easier. I hope she it right.Patty reccommended Steel Cut Oatmeal for breakfast. I'm generally not much of an oatmeal fan but the girls and I loved this steel cut oatmeal. It was yummy and I've had it for breakfast the last few mornings.Also at my WW meeting Thursday I as told about Sara Lee DeLight Wheat bread. It's only 1 point for 2 slices of bread. YAY a whole sandwich!

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