Monday, February 18, 2008

Monday Madness

The kids were out of school so I should have planned some fun stuff for us to do. I didn't. We had a lazy morning just piddeling around the house for awhile and then they had friends over while I worked on laundry. I made my menu plan for the week and went grocery shopping.

I was able to organize some of my cabinets tonight. I feels good to throw stuff away when I've been hanging on to it forever. I love our remodeling in the kitchen although I don't have a lot of cabinet space so I need to be more selective about what I keep.

Someone loaned me a butch of Weight Watcher books I want to go through so I can find some new reicpes. I made a chicken finger recipe tonight that was pretty good. My kids still prefer McDonald's chicken nuggests but maybe one day I can convice them that my homemade ones are just as good and better for them.

My Mom is coming up from St George on Sunday and will stay the night before going to Logan to help Tiffany with the baby. I always love having Mom here.

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