Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy 10th Anniversary!

Today is our 10th anniversary. Yay for us! Ten years ago today we were married in the church and 2 years ago today R took our family to the temple where we became a forever family. I was wondering this past week if I love him as much as I did the day I married him and I realized that I love him more. We've had babies, losses, changes and discoveries together so it's a deeper love.

Ten Things I love about my hubby:

  1. He is still as handsome as when we got married. I love him with and without his beard.

  2. He is a wonderful father to our kids and they love him to death.

  3. I love his strong arms.

  4. I love how he teases me in front of the kids.

  5. I love the many wonderful gifts he has given me; a trip to Hawaii, 3 surprise vehicles, my iPod, and my surprise birthday present last year which were tickets to Wicked which I LOVED! and many many other gifts.

  6. I love that he is the voice of calm and reason when I start getting stressed.

  7. I love how he will do anything for our family and friends.

  8. He encourages me to do anything.

  9. I love the time we spend together as a family doing fun family things.

  10. I love how he knows what I like, he knows me. For example when he orders my drink with extra ice when we eat out or an appetizer I love.


Marie said...

Aren't husbands fun like that? It's just the little things that matter most huh? Like extra ice in your drink.

Happy Anniversary...and many more!

Patty said...

That is very sweet. Happy Anniversary!