Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Continued

I'm glad I was able to see my doctor although I still don't know for sure what is happening. She did a vaginal ultrasound (I'm 7 weeks) and she had a hard time finding the baby. She finally said either I am miscarrying or the sac is so small that I'm not as far along as I thought. She sent me to the lab for a blood test to test my hcg levels and then I will retest again Monday morning. Hopefully she'll have the results before she leaves for girl's camp Monday afternoon. If my levels go up I'm still pregnant and if they drop I'm not.
Since my doctor's appointment I have been bleeding more and more. I don't know if it's from the irration from the ultrasound or if something else is happening. The waiting is the worst part. I want answers now.
I'm also still anxiously awaiting news on the 6 miners in Emery County. I hope to hear good news when the drill breaks through.


Tammy said...

ooohhh Becky!!! I hope the bleeding stops and that is was just irratation. You are in my thoughts Becky!! (((HUGS)))

Becky said...

Thanks Tammy.