Tuesday, August 7, 2007


The kids and I just returned from playgroup. Only one other mom came with her kids but Z and S both had someone to play with so they were happy. I was happy to have another mom to visit with. A didn't take her morning nap so she went down right after I fed her lunch and I am hoping to join her for a power nap.
I talked to my dad yesterday about the Crandall Canyon Mine Collaspe (http://www.sltrib.com/ci_6561735) down home and asked if any of our family was affected. Dad said his cousin is one of the miners that is trapped. Isn't that awful? I can't imagine how difficult this would be for the families just waiting for news and not knowing for sure if their loved ones were alive. I have been glued to the TV watching the news for any updates and I thought is was discouraging this morning to hear that it will take at least 3 days before they can get close enough to the miners to know anything.
I haven't told very many people about my pregnancy but R has told everyone. I have received mixed reactions and it's not fun to hear people ask how old A is and how old she will be when this baby comes. I am already scared to death and I dont' need others scaring me even more. As time goes on I'm sure I will be more excited but right now, even though I've known for two weeks, I am still in shock.

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