Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Evening

After I picked Z up from school we did a little homework and then decided to take my mom downtown for dinner. We parked at Temple Square and walked all around and up the street to Brigham Young's Cemetery. It was a chilly evening but so nice and the walk was great. There is so much to see and do around Temple Square and next time my mom comes we are going to spend the day there. She commented that she hadn't visited many of the sights for many years and I think my kids would have fun. We had fun tonight. After walking all over we took Trax to the Gateway Mall for dinner We had dinner at McGrath's and walked around a bit and even ran into a friend then took the Trax back to Temple Square to our car. I'm glad R suggested we go do something with my mom tonight espeically since she tended the girls for me today so I could catch up at work.
We missed gymnastics so I need to get S in a make-up class this week. Luckily we did Z's reading this morning so we didn't have as much homework as we would have. I didn't make him write out all his spelling words like I normally do on Monday but hopefully we can get back on track tomorrow.
Sunday is our Primary Program and the two kids have been practicing their parts for two weeks and they have them memorized. I love to listen to them say their parts. We listen to the Primary songs whenever we can so the kids will learn them more and S sings them all the time. Her favorite right now is Give Said the Little Stream and she sings is at the top of her voice, I love it! Z doesn't sing very much, it's just so challenging for him to keep up so I have loved to listen to S sing and make up songs. I wish I could video record the Primary Program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time with you mom. Last time I took my family to Temple Square we did the tour of the conference center. It was so interesting, but my kids were kind of naughty. It was hard for them to listen about all the artwork. I loved it and would love to go again with out them. I haven't ever been to the cemetary. I also really want to go to This is the place.