Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Things

I woke up early to work for a few hours from home this morning. After I got the kids off to school I worked while A took her nap. I have so much to do at home and work that some days it's crazy for me.

Mom decided to go stay with Tiff in Logan so when I picked S up from school I was going to take her up and be back to pick Z up from school by 3:25pm. Just as we were leaving Tiff called and said they wanted to come watch S's soccer game and they would just take Mom back with them. This was nice because I was able to come home and get other stuff done. Mom helped me with my laundry (thanks Mom!) and I baked Sinderdoodle Cupcakes and made dinner for us for after the soccer game.

After the game everyhome came back and we ate and visited. The kids rode bikes outside in the cold. Ever since S has learned to ride her bike without training wheels she loves to ride her bike even more than before. Tiff's kids have also learned to ride without training wheels so they were all having a lot of fun. Of course they didn't want their play time to end but they all have school tomorrow. Luckily we got homework done before the soccer game.

I just got everyone in bed and I am up working on my employee schedule but I am so tired.

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