Thursday, September 20, 2007


Last night was busy and we didn't get to homework until after 7:00pm when we got home from the soccer game. I dread doing homework this late and Z didn't have the play incentative so he fought me more than normal. After about 45 minutes he wanted to be done but we still had our 20 minutes of reading to do and it got ugly.

The past week and a half I've tried to do some reading in the morning with the kids so we don't have as much to do during homework time. Some mornings this works and some it doesn't. This morning when Z woke up I was letting him watch cartoons for about 10 minutes before he had to get ready for school and he asked if we could do our reading instead of watching cartoons. Of course I was excited by this and he read two books to me. Z stated that he wanted to read in the mornings so he could get done faster with homework and play.

While Z was at school S and I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books, especially Halloween books. Z had speech theray after school and when he got home he wanted to eat before he started homework. During his snack time I started reading one of our library books Horrible Harry at Halloween and Z loved it. When we finished homework he wanted me to read more to him and I'm sure before bed we'll read some more. I will get more of the Horrible Harry series and I hope Z keeps enjoying them. I just loved that he was excited to listen to a book instead of watch TV.

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