Saturday, January 5, 2008

Saturday Stuff

We got a little snow storm this morning, a very wet snow. R had to spend the day at work so Z and S went out and shoveled our walkway. What sweethearts. They also spent quite a bit of time sledding down the hill in our front yard and having a good time.

I tried to catch up on laundry and my house. I at least tackled some laundry but my house looks worse tonight than it did this morning. I'm not sure how I'll ever be able to keep it clean. We got the kid's room a little more organized and I have a huge DI pile. Last week when I was putting Christmas stuff away I started a DI pile. There are some things we haven't used for years that were easier to part with and other things I'm still hanging onto even if I'm not sure when I'll use them again. For example, my Christmas village, I don't have a ton buy I have quite a few things. I no longer have anywhere to display it and since we started remodeling 4 years ago, I haven't displayed it.

Tomorrow is Stake Conference and since R will be at work all day I'm not going. I just can't brave a 2 hour session with the three kids. I hope to get a few more things done around the house and I think the New Hampshire Presidential Debate is on in the evening so I need to remember to Tivo it. If R doesn't make it home from work early enough the kids and I will have family night as well.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We got snow today too! As for how to keep your house clean ~ honestly, the only thing that has helped me is the flylady.... just check her website out I really enjoy her tactics ~ especially the house fairy.

I didn't get to go to church this morning either :( I wanted to, because my husband's boss was going to bear his testimony and I really wanted my husband (not a member yet) to hear it. But I woke up w/the flu at 4am :(