Thursday, January 31, 2008

Weight Watchers

Life is returning to normal after a busy January. The Sundance Film Festival is over, my mom went home Monday afternoon and I am slowly catching up. My house is a mess and I have laundry everywhere, but hey, I guess that's normal!

I miss my mom. When she comes every January to help me with my family I love it! She takes care of my kids as good as I would and she loves them. She helps me with laundry and my house and she is fine being stuck home all day with my kids. I feel like I work her so hard and she doesn't get to have any fun. R suggested we take her on a vacation with us this year.

Tonight I went to my first Weight Watchers meeting. I was nervouse and almost talked myself out of going but I'm glad I went. There were only two of us in the new person meeting so it was nice to have a personalized discussion with the leader. I'm excited to get started and read all the material. Wish me luck!


Amanda said...

Good luck!! I'm really hoping that I can get my mom up here in the next couple of weeks. I could really use her help. I've been so sick this past week and things have just spun out of control. I literally have no clothes left - that's how bad my laundry situation is. Looks like that's what my weekend is going to be all about - I hate laundry. UGH!

Good luck on the Weight Watchers!!

Lorie said...

Good Luck. I know you will do great.