Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wacky Week

Hi, I haven't been around for awhile. I've just been busy with work. I work for an airport shuttle and we are the official transportation for the Sundance Film Festival so it has been crazy. The festival started January 17th and runs through Monday, January 28th. The few weeks preceding the festival were super busy for me and I now during the festival it's also crazy. Mom flew up from St. George Friday night and is taking care of the kids for me since I'm working 12+ hour days. I haven't checked my personal email or been on the computer for personal stuff for most of the week. We are almost done so I keep reminding myself of this when I get overwhelmed. My mom is such a blessing since I am away from the kids for so long but I feel better knowing they are with Grandma.

This past Saturday was a free day for me which never happens during the festival. I took Mom up to Logan to see my sister. My sister's family was moving into a new house so we helped a little and visited with Tiffany. Yesterday was Tiffany's birthday and she was stuck home with sick kids so what a bummer.

A woked up with a little fever Saturday morning and by Saturday night she was hot. I took her to Kids Care Sunday night and I was sure she had a ear infection but she didn't and she tested negative for strep. Last night when I got home from work she was still so hot and miserable that I thought I would take her back to the doctor today. Luckily when we woke up this morning she no longer had a fever and Mom said she is feeling better.

Things will be more normal next week, YAY!

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