Friday, December 21, 2007

Family Christmas Letter

Christmas 2007

Dear Family & Friends,

Happy Holidays from the Curtis family. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. Here’s our yearly update:

Zachary turned 8 years old on November 15th. He is in the second grade and has been in the chess club. Over the summer he kept busy with swimming lessons, baseball and soccer. Zachary received an early Christmas when his dad told him he would get a WII if he jumped off the roof into the pool. We didn’t think he would really do it, but quickly learned how much we under estimated his courage (or desire for a WII). Within a minute, he was on the roof, had his shoes off and was in the deep end of the pool. Zachary has started cub scouts. Both him and his dad enjoyed building and racing their first pinewood derby car. Zachary’s car won the award for the best looking driver. His highlight of the year though was being baptized and confirmed by his dad on December 1st.

Sarah turned 5 years old on August 17th. She is going to half-day kindergarten in the mornings. She also kept busy through the summer with swim lessons, soccer and gymnastics. She enjoys learning her letters and sounds, and meeting new friends at school. This is especially important since we do not have many kids her age in our neighborhood. Sarah also learned to ride her bike without training wheels. You should see her show off her tricks, “Look! One hand! Look! One foot!!!” And she rides a little too fast for mom and dad. She is definitely a little speed demon.

Audrey turned one year old on November 6th. At just a little over 13 months old now, she is taking her first steps. No words yet though. She’s obviously holding back until she can enunciate the perfect DAADDDDYYYY. She has about 8 teeth in now, and the same number of hairs on her head. It just won’t grow fast enough. Audrey loves to maul Binks, our miniature schnauzer, and thankfully he allows her do whatever she wants and puts up with it, even the occasional finger in his nose.

Becky enjoys her iPod, reading and blogging. You can check out her blog at You are also welcome to visit the Curtis / Wilstead family website on Just email Becky at and she will send you the information you will need to log on. Becky also has a new church calling. She is an advisor to the Mia Maids and enjoys the girls in the ward. Becky also finally made the big leap to a mini-van. As much as she loved her Volvo wagon, she decided with Audrey’s arrival that she wanted not only more seats for all the kids, but space for the stroller, lawn chairs, diaper bag, etc. Her 8COWIFE plate is now on a gray Honda Odyssey, the un-official soccer mom car.

Randy is still plugging along on the house and yard re-model. This year gave us a new roof, including a new section over the rear patio, connecting the house with the pool shed. The white vinyl fencing is now completed on all sides of the yard, and the sewer line was ran under the rv pad on the north side of the house to the pool shed in anticipation of making it into a bath house for the pool. No more wet footprints going through the house to the bathroom. He just hasn’t seemed to have found as much time this year for home projects. But to his credit, he has been spending a lot more time at work taking on the responsibilities of General Manager at Express Shuttle.

This was not the year of vacations. We decided to trade our camp trailer for a toy-hauler. Randy sold the camp trailer in the spring, much faster than expected, and it wasn’t until October that the new one was bought from the auto auction in So. California. We were able to make a family vacation out of the trip to pick it up; visiting Fred and Valerie in San Diego, going to Disneyland and then Becky received a surprise birthday night at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood to see the Broadway play Wicked.

We wish all of you the joy of the holiday season, and the best the coming year has to offer. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Curtis family!

Randy, Becky, Zachary, Sarah & Audrey

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