Sunday, December 23, 2007


I can't believe it's Christmas Eve Eve. My kids are so excited for Christmas and can hardly wait for Tuesday. I still have all my wrapping to do so I wish I had a few more days.

I skipped out on SM at church today since A needed a nap and R was at work. I just knew I couldn't handle all three kids by myself when one of them was a tired baby. Young Women's was combined and several people shared Christmas stories or thoughts and I was so touching. One sister told of the book
Christmas Shoes and I've heard the song tons of times but I didn't know there was a book that went into more detail of the sweet story. After telling about the story she played the song and that song always makes me tear up. Another sister shared the story about the book Christmas Jars and I've seen this book at the bookstore but never thought about reading it. Now I would like to read it, maybe I'll go buy it tomorrow and read it while we drive to Logan. The story talks about selfless giving and how it blesses our lives and those around us. I'm so glad I was able to listen to these Christmas stories.

I've been working on laundry and knitting. I also want to bake another batch of cookies to take to work tomorrw and some banana bread since R loves it. Maybe after the kids go to bed I can work on the Christmas wrapping. We've also been watching the Christmas movies on the ABC Family Channel.

Yesterday I was able to work on some laundry and we finally put our Gingerbread House together. I also watched Elf and laughed and cried. Marie brought it over (which was so nice) and I was surprised that I enjoyed it (I'm not a Will Ferrell fan). The movie was funny and in the end I the kids and I were singing Here Comes Santa Claus with them and I was tearing up (thanks Marie). I also braved the grocery store last night for what I hope was the last night for a few days at least.

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