Sunday, December 30, 2007


We ended up going ice skating yesterday with Tiff's family. The kids had fun although Sarah feel flat on her face out of the house and had a huge red mark in the center of her forehead. Poor thing, she wasn't feeling so great and had a headache. We had dinner at Firehouse Pizza and came home and I worked on my YW lesson.

R had to work this morning so the kids and I went to church. I left before SM because A was just feeling crummy. The poor thing has been sick with a cold for two weeks now. Her cough is awful and she has so much snot everywhere, her eyes are even all gooped up now. I decided I had better take her to Kids Care to make sure she doesn't have an infection. Since R was home in the evening I made a 7:30pm appointment and sure enough A has an ear infection. I filled her perscription and brought her home to bed. I hope she starts feeling better soon.

We didn't have family night though so it may be the kids and I having a quick one tomorrow night. I think most of my Christmas stuff is down although I just took it downstairs and I still need to get it all put away, why can't I just blink and have it done?

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