Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Musings

My dad is having surgery at the VA Hospital today. He is having his knee rebuilt (again) and should be in the hospital until Thursday or Friday. After I pick Z up from school I'll take the kids to see him. Hopefully it will be a short visit and they will be well behaved because I'm sure Dad will be uncomfortable and in pain. I'm trying to figure out when I'll be able to get to the hospital to visit him in between school and our other activites this week. Also, I need to find my dad his Christmas present so I can send it home with him, but I have no idea what to get him.

I made Peanut Butter Fudge yesterday and I've been picking at it all day. It's so yummy but so sweet that's it's making me sick.

After our hospital visit we'll need to tackle homework and the laundry, it's just never-ending. We had family night last night. I also may sneak out to do a little Christmas shopping but R has been up since 2:30am so I'm not sure he'll let me sneak off tonight.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I know how you feel, their just aren't enough hours in a day. It is so hard to get everything done/