Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday Stuff

After work and after Z's speech therapy the kids and I ran a few errands. When we went into the grocery store the dark clouds were north and I thought for sure we would beat the storm home. 30 minutes later when we came out of the store there was a blizzard. Well, not really a blizzard but it was snowing and the wind was blowing and it was yucky. Z was so helpful and helped me with all the groceries.
I was ambious and thought I could take care of my family, make dinner, bake cookies and banana bread, make candy and knit a scarf tonight all after 5:00pm. It's 11:00pm and I did all but bake the bread and knit a scarf. The last batch of cookies are coming out of the oven and the kitchen is semi clean. I'm trying to put together a few gift bags for a few of the supervisors at work that I really appreciate.
I bought a gingerbread house kit (I wish I was ambious enough to make it all) and I'm hoping the kids and I will put it together tomorrow night. I also wanted to rent Elf and watch it (I've never seen this from start to finish, just bits and pieces of it) but I've been unable to find it at the video store. Tomorrow one of my goals is to start wrapping our gifts so I don't have to stay up late Monday night to wrap.


Marie said...

I have ELF! I will bring it by tonight!

Becky said...

Thanks Marie, where was I when you came by? I'm going to watch it today snuggled in my new snowman blanket.